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As a team we will operate to obtain the results expected and agreed upon with our clients. We will strive to deliver at our highest capability to achieve the objectives of our clients.

Arturo Fonseca
CEO for the US
Cristian Fonseca 
Founder and President

Owner of various types of businesses following graduation from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile in 1993. Connected with Information and Technology since the founding of his first business in 1991. Since 2002, he has been focused on business management and consultation for large, multinational software companies. Tennis player, father, developer (Android, php, Java), consultant, writer, and companion.

Student of Grace College in the United States. Business owner, participant in multiple businesses in their start-up phase, Co-Founder of Language Matters. Focused on the application of new technologies to improve the performance and effectiveness of different organizations.

Lucas Fonseca
Business Consulting
Gabriel Rodriguez
Director of Development

Senior Developer of What2donow with vast experience in projects based on the following languages:

Swift, Visual Basic, Visual Basic for Applications, MEAN Stack (NodeJs, AngularJs), Objective C, Net Framework (C#), Biztalk, php, Html - CSS, Javascript, among others.

Student of Grace College in the United States. Co-Founder of Language Matters. Consultant for the implementation of projects at What2donow. He specializes in detecting current businesses and making improvements based on the revision of their operational processes.

© 2018 by what2donow

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