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Our services take into account various areas, such as the creation of projects from their beginning (Start-Up) to projects that develop companies that are already underway.

Mobile App Development

We design 100% original apps for Android and iOS. We develop each one of our designs using the latest versions of technology, which is why we are constantly studying and adapting new API’s or other elements that deliver the highest quality of experience to the user.

Not only are the languages required for mobile apps important, auxiliary languages such as those used for tools of BackEnd (pHp, Phyton, MySql, Oracle db, Ruby, Node Js, Mongo DB) and front End (HTML5, CSS, Javascripts, and others) are as well!


An excellent design project is comparable to various small pieces that have been perfectly assembled. Correct planning and programming of events combined with the detection of improved methods and better solutions means that our projects are carried out with rigorous accuracy and precision.

Our vision declares that all of these elements will be combined with a skilled specialist to ensure that your consulting session will be satisfactory. For this reason What2donow has multiple consultants who are able to meet with clients and have valid previous experience in the implementation of IT projects in all different sizes of businesses across the world.

Development of Methods

​Now  more than ever, technology is developing at an extremely fast pace. Our plan of action in this rigorous market is to be leaders in these new developments for our clients by constantly re-evaluating different technological developments without losing the knowledge and skill we have attained. We plan to continually adapt to the new methods that emerge in the market so that we can obtain a distinct advantage for our clients.


1.- Augmented reality (AR) is one of the tendencies that we are seeing in the year 2018. Each day brings more interactions that can be satisfactorily generated by the growing support of systems of applications that operate from BackEnd.


2.- Although geolocation has been on our list of skills for various years, mobile apps are coming to depend more and more on these API’s that offer flexibility and dynamism with the medium in which they are found.


3.- Security systems become more necessary each day to manage encrypted data and protect the privacy of users.


4.- There is no language that exists to develop artificial intelligence (AI) without a team of developers capable of the task, based on the intelligent use of codes that the market offers. It is human brilliance that unleashes the power of the mind onto the machine, so that the latter can assist the former in their daily lives.

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